How can multigenerational families design a prenup process that strengthens a couple’s relationship rather than harms it?
For Parents
Podcast with Peter Moustakerski: The Flourishing of an Enterprise Family Ecosystem
A podcast with FOX CEO Peter Moustakerski about promoting the flourishing of a family enterprise ecosystem.
We Need a “B Trusts” (or Benefit Trusts) Movement to Address ESG & Impact Investing by Family Trustees
“We need to create clear trust provisions, backed by clear state law, that allow grantors to opt in to a regime in which trustees can take social and environmental benefits into account when administering family trusts.”
The Most Important Financial Stewardship Graph
Is this the best single graph available to track a family’s stewardship of its financial capital? You decide.
How would you know whether someone has (fully? sufficiently?) integrated financial wealth in a healthy way?
What are the stages of integrating financial capital into one’s life? How do you know if someone has done so successfully?
Family Wealth & Climate Change
What does planning for a family’s 100-year future mean in the context of climate change? How can business families talk about the threat of a changing climate?
Iatrogenics, Naive Intervention, Coddling, Safetyism, & the Family Office: “First, do no harm”
Are the interventions you’re making, the support and education you’re offering, the forms of assistance to the family that you’re providing, examples of iatrogenics–harm more than help, treatments in which the healer (unintentionally) causes more damage than good?
Designing a Healthy Family Prenup System
This post introduces an essay on creating a prenup system that preserves human, not just financial, capital.