Podcast with Scott Saslow: From Obligation to Opportunity

A podcast on building a successful family office with Scott Saslow of OneWorld Investments.

I was recently interviewed by Scott Saslow for his new Family Office Principals Podcast series.  The discussion ranged across various topics, including the importance of culture and values in a family office ecosystem, how to be a good leader, involvement of in-laws, and the role of outsourcing. Scott stresses the importance of using holistic family well-being and development as guiding principles and reframing obligations as opportunities, all of which can help unleash the energy of financial capital.

Scott Saslow’s very good recent book Building a Sustainable Family Office is available here.

You can access the podcast here.

Scott Peppet

Scott Peppet is striving to create the enlightened family office. He writes about the challenges and joys of managing the family enterprise with the hope of sharing ideas with like minded people

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