FFI Article: The Family-Focused Office

In a recent FFI Practitioner article, I explain how the "MLF Ratio" helps distinguish truly family-focused from typical single family offices.

I recently published a short article in the Family Firm Institute (FFI)‘s Practitioner, describing what distinguishes a “family-focused office” from a typical single family office. Using a construct I call the MLF Ratio–the ratio of time and capital spent on money, legal, and family matters by the family and office–I discuss the characteristics of a family-focused office, four factors that prevent SFOs from truly being family-focused, and what needs to be done to move in this direction.

My thanks to Jim Coutre, Mary Duke, Peter Evans, Jay Hughes, Ruth Steverlynck, Christian Stewart, and Matt Wesley for their thoughts on this article.

You can read the article online here.

You can download a PDF of the article here.

Scott Peppet

Scott Peppet is striving to create the enlightened family office. He writes about the challenges and joys of managing the family enterprise with the hope of sharing ideas with like minded people

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